Face Proportions Calculator


A few important things about the Face Proportions Calculator:

  • How to start? Just enter what you want the size of the HEAD (not just the face) to be. You can change the unit size also! Click anywhere on the worksheet to calculate.
  • We color-coordinated everything on the calculator to match the graphic and to match the printable worksheet. You're welcome 😉
  • These measurements are for "ideal" face proportions. This is aimed to be a guideline and a starting point. You can definitely alter from these exact measurements, they are just here to help map the face and give you somewhere to start. If your measurements don't turn out exactly, that is 100% ok. We are all different and look different.
  • This calculator may not be ideal for all situations, for instance, if you are trying to sculpt a super-realistic face of a particular person. Your best route is to actually print out a "straight on" photo of them. Make this photo the size you want your finished cake to be, and then use Callipers to measure the features and match them as you sculpt them (like we did in the Wizard tutorial).
  • These measurements work for either adult male or female faces.
  • Because we are starting with a skull (as we do in the Face Sculpting Tutorial) we already have a lot of the face mapped out for us, however, this tool can still be very helpful in keeping your measurements inline.
  • This is a wonderful tool, especially for faces that are being made without a skull base as we did for the Wizard Tutorial.
  • Digital Calipers!! My favorite tool when needing to get exact measurements, to map them perfectly. It reads out digitally, so there isn't as much hassle trying to break down the measurements of a ruler. Invest in a fairly good pair, because they'll become your best friend.
  • I usually use "mm" as my measurement unit as it's easiest to get exact.