
Foundational Techniques: How to Cover a Round Cake with Fondant

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Foundational Techniques: How to Cover a Round Cake with Fondant

As part of our Foundational Techniques series, in this class, you'll learn how to Cover a Round Cake with fondant. This is an essential technique to learn for cake decorating and you're going to learn the ins and outs of:

  • Covering with Fondant
  • Cutting the excess fondant
  • Sharping the Edges
  • Smoothing the Sides
  • Cutting the bottom edge fondant
  • Additional Information
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meet your instructor
Avalon Yarnes
award-winning artist

I enjoy teaching and sharing with others the knowledge and experiences I have gained over the years. My aim through this platform is to share and create a community of like-minded artists with passion for their craft, for us all to tap into our inner artists and flourish our careers into something that feeds our creative souls, while also making our customers extremely happy.

Learn more about Avalon Yarnes.
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