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Super EASY Pumpkin Cakes Hack

These RIDICULOUSLY easy pumpkin cakes will be your new favorite fall tradition! Whether you're making them with your family this Thanksgiving, Halloween or offering them up to your cake clients, this little hack is going to save you so much time with wow-that-was-so-easy results. The idea for this "hack" had been rolling around in my […]

How to Start a Cake Business

So, You Want to Start A Cake Business, Now What? Baking is your love language; you get a creative rush looking for unique and fun ways to decorate a cake and have cake shows DVR’d to the max. More and more you are being asked to make someone else’s cake so you start to wonder…could […]

He made ME a CAKE, his first cake!

So, we had been joking about the idea for years and for the most part, it was just that... a joke. But, this year came along and for some reason, I pushed the idea with just a little more of a straight face, and this time he took on the challenge! Now, just because he […]

3D Snow Globe Cookie Tutorial

When I think “winter”, my brain goes straight to the nostalgic feeling of snow globes *sigh*… such magic packed into those little things. Especially as a child, I remember trying to make a snow globe myself... consisting in those little plastic bulbs you’d get with your toy from the 25¢ machines AND, of course, glitter. […]

Wafer Paper Christmas Tree & Plaid Tutorial

This tutorial was actually a paid tutorial in my online school from two years ago. However, I wanted to give it as a gift to you this year! Cause… tis the season and I love showing appreciation for all of you who have been loyal readers. We’re right smack-dab in the middle of THE SEASON. […]

How to Color Your Own Sprinkles

Ready to color some?! So now that you know all about sprinkles I’m going to show you how I color the three main types of sprinkles: Sanding Sugar, Non Pariels, and Jimmies. Here’s the tools you’ll need: The one disclaimer that I NEED to make about coloring your own sprinkles is that there is a […]

Succulent Cakes That Will Make You Drool + A Tutorial Just For You

Oh sweet succulent babies! Who doesn't love these cute little plants that are poppin’ up everywhere? Nothing like taking the beauty natural has to offer and recreating it in sugar. And really, who doesn’t want to cover their house with baby cacti and plants -- so let's cover our desserts with them too, eh? You can […]

Member's Cakes Spotlight for July

It’s that time again, cake-babies! With the end of the month looming near, we’ve compiled another round of incredible member's cakes created by YOU. And because none of these beauties need an additional intro from me, I’m just gonna let the cakes (and their super talented bakers) tell their own story. Hallelujah!! So, moving right […]

Member's Cakes Spotlight for July

It’s that time again, cake-babies! With the end of the month looming near, we’ve compiled another round of incredible member's cakes created by YOU. And because none of these beauties need an additional intro from me, I’m just gonna let the cakes (and their super talented bakers) tell their own story. Hallelujah!! So, moving right […]

How to Make a Gold Filigree Fondant Frame Without Molds

So you’ve been asked to make a cake. Heck yes, you’re thinkin’, that is in fact what I love to do. 😉 But then it comes down to making it and you've realized the mold you thought you had (you know the one you THOUGHT you bought?) isn't actually in your possession.  Or maybe you […]

Jazz Up Your Character Cake with the Perfect Party Bow or Hat

Ok, show of hands, how many of you have ever made a character cake? Show of hands on how many of you finished making the cake only to realize it felt like something was missing. Don’t be embarrassed, because, well, it’s happened to the best of us...ahem, including me, haha! So in the event that […]

6 Best Cake Tools to Help You Save Time

Ahhh, time. A cake maker’s ultimate nemesis, am I right? Even though most of us are a part of the 3 AM Cakers Club, wouldn’t it be awesome if we could save some time (especially from doing those tedious tasks) in our daily cake grind? That's time that could be used spent with your family, […]

Member's Cakes Spotlight for June

Well hello, darlings! As promised, I’m kicking off a new feature where I can showcase all of YOUR hard work, wahooooo! Thanks to all of our member submissions, we’ve got 15 incredi-freakin-ble cakes to show you this month. Oh and before you dig into this post, you might want to put the cake fork down […]

Introducing The Cake Baker's Ultimate BFF: The Workbox 3.0

Okay, my sugar-loving friend, it’s time to confess. You’re one of those people who’s constantly searching for that one thing that they swear they just saw but now you can’t remember where it was, right? Look, I’m not judgin’ because as cake makers, we’ve got a TON of stuff, am I right? Keeping your cake […]
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I'm Avalon -- and I'm not your typical cake decorator. I'm obsessed with fusing the world of ART and CAKE. Sugar is my canvas. If you're down to get messy and dive into a whole new level of cake, take my virtual hand, cause I've got so many secrets I want to show you! learn more>>

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