
The Art of Cookie Decorating with Sandie Beltran

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The Art of Cookie Decorating with Sandie Beltran

We've brought the art of decorating Sugar Cookies to Avalon Cakes! Not only that, but we've brought one of the best Cookiers in the world, Sandie Belatran from "You Can Call Me Sweetie". She's traveled all over the world (from US, Europe, to Japan!) to teach her style of cookie decorating through "Sweetie Academy". Now, she's brought all that skill and technique into our online realm, calling Avalon Cakes her home! We are super excited to introduce you to cookie decorating, but before we jump in to that, you've got to know the basics! So here are the basics, Sandie's way!

Learn how to:

  • Make cookie dough.
  • Roll out cookies perfectly, each the same width.
  • Cut out cookies, without deforming them.
  • Make the perfect royal icing.
  • Find your piping and flooding consistencies.
  • Color your royal, using Sandie's Tips and Tricks.
  • How to pipe and flood a cookie!
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A detailed Supply & Materials list with everything you need, organized with links to our preferred tools & materials.
We include our favorite go-to recipes used to create this project. A list of ingredients, step-by-step instructions & change the servings to change the amounts for what you need!
Print-at-home templates that are your blueprint to creating this project. An essential element to the success of your project!

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