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Make it Yourself Mold Material

After countless days and stacks of empty containers of a bit of this and that....... BY GOLLY, I've got it! Yep.. that's right! A mold material YOU can make yourself! Not only that, but you can find all these ingredients at your local grocery store (yes, that applies to many of your over-seas too). Wait, […]

Hanging Wedding Cake Chandelier Stand Tutorial

You may remember this beauty from 2012? It hit the wedding cake scene running, or should I say swinging?! Anywho, I've been asked time and time again to do a tutorial on this gravity deifying beauty.     So...... I finally did just that! So if your here, you must be looking to learn how […]

Make Perfect Sharp Edges on Cakes

Icing cakes can be the most challenging part of cake decorating...can I get an amen?  At least it was for me when I first started... my cakes were... well, kinda ugly. It took me time and patience and practice AND a little DIY tool.... the "Sewing Gauge Tool". Where did it come from? Pure and utter […]

Top 10 Tools Not Found in the Cake Aisle

Sure, the cake aisle holds many wonderful and necessary tools for cake decorating. However, sometimes we need to think outside of the box and escape the confinements of those shallow shelves. That's right, step back slowly, turn around and explore! You'll be astonished by what useful and fun ideas will come flooding in. I'm here […]

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I'm Avalon -- and I'm not your typical cake decorator. I'm obsessed with fusing the world of ART and CAKE. Sugar is my canvas. If you're down to get messy and dive into a whole new level of cake, take my virtual hand, cause I've got so many secrets I want to show you! learn more>>

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Fast track your cake skills to the next level! How? Inside our Online Cake School.
Fortified with years of experience, Avalon (and her amazing friends), will take your virtual hand and show you the skills to becoming an amazing cake artist, all while saving you time (and money)!
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