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Successful At-Home Tasting with Shannon Bond

How we do our cake consultations/tasting very much depends on our personal business circumstances. If we run our business out of an in-home studio, we sometimes have to travel to a coffee shop to meet our potential clients. If we have an establishment or a room to host at our in-home studio, we can host […]

How to Prepare Your Cake Pans

For the longest time I used 2" pans without a parchment collar. I always found myself a bit frustrated with the finished height of my cakes. Just a littttttle taller. I mean, tall is in, am I right? So I started using parchment collars, allowing my cakes to climb to the sky where they belong. […]

100K Fans Giveaway!

Helloooo Cakers! I am so honored to say that Avalon Cakes Facebook Page has reached 100,000 fans! To celebrate we put together a little somethin' somethin'... behold... the giveway! 1 Winner will be chosen at random on Saturday August 29, 2015! [pinit] Save for later and share the love!   [pinit] Save for later and share […]

Southern Take on Chocolate Cake

So I think it's pretty clear now... Kara and I don't mess around when it comes to knocking your taste buds off their feet (...if taste buds had feet). Here is our finial of the "Duff Till Dawn Trio", the DE-LISH "Southern Take on Chocolate Cake". This light chocolate cake is soaked in bourbon simple […]

Vanilla Cake with Passion Fruit and Raspberry Filling

Kara and I discussed what flavors we could bring together that were somewhat nostalgic and yet modern with a twist. Huge fan of the classic berry and tart combo, so we thought, lets bring the bold passion fruit to the front line! So here it is! One of the THREE flavor combos that we chose […]

Honey Apricot Cake with Tonka Bean Buttercream and Pignoli Crunch

I hope you tuned into Duff Till Dawn on Food Network (the new cake competition series on Food Network!) and happen to catch myself and my partner Kara Andretta from Kara's Couture Cakes! Yeeaaah we brought our "A" game and.... well... OH you thought you could get the results that easy?! I can't tell you silly! […]

Wafer Paper Filigree Tutorial

Filigree... rawr... such a fancy name. Then there is the word "course". An even fancier name?! Well, this is a 5-course meal of WAFER PAPER! On the menu for "Wafer Paper Filigree Course": Fancy shmanzy stylized Peony The fierce Poppy Bright and bubbly Sunflower The sophisticated Monogram OH-so artsy-fartsy Portrait Ok, enough of my corny, […]

Wedding Cake Trends 2015 Part 2

Welcome to the second installment of our "Wedding Cake Trends for 2015" series! If you missed Part One, you can check it out here: Wedding Cake Trends 2015 Part One. [pinit] Save for later and share the love! Fashion. Fashion is one of the largest inspirations to many cake designers. We can pull ideas from the […]

How to Fix Dry and Cracking Wafer Paper

Scenario: You're pumped! You're getting ready to make your first wafer paper flower, you reach into that bag, pull that paper out, and "CRACK!" Your heart sinks to your stomach, you get all dizzy, curl up in the fetal position, cry......what, just me? 😉 hehe So WHY is my wafer paper cracking?! How do I […]

Floating My Little Pony Cake

Hi. I'm Avalon and I have an addiction. I like to....make everything much more complex then it probably needs to be! *facepalm* ^^^ Is there a support group for that?! They requested a My Little Pony cake. So this is what I came up with design-wise. Meet "Fluttershy". At first glance (I am no MLP […]

How to Make Homemade Edible Glitter

Glitter.... that you CAN EAT and MAKE yourself? Yep, the original gelatin home-made edible glitter recipe! That's right, learn how to make homemade edible glitter. Not pulling your leg! And, to top it off, it's EASY peasy! Now, now, pick your jaw up off that floor... chin rug burns are not attractive 😉 Ah, the holidays, […]

Make Chibi Superhero and Princess Cakes

Chibi Cakes! Chibi...? What in the world is a CHIBI?! That, my friend, is a very good question. Chibi - Japaneese slang for "short person" or "small child". Basically, ADORABLE big head, big eye, tiny body characters with tons of charm. You can find them in running rampant in the world of manga and anime animation. They may […]

Hanging Flower Chandelier Cake

You want me to hang a cake?! But... but... that defies the laws of nature! Yeah, that apple, it FALLS from the tree, remember? The last time I checked you shouldn't hang fluffy morsels of loosely affixed flour, sugar, butter and eggs.. IN MID AIR. Pshhhhhh! RULES, SHMOOLS. Break em! It gets people all kinds of […]

Zombie Buffet Cupcake Tutorial

WARNING: STOP RIGHT THERE.. IF YOU DON'T LIKE GORE.... RUN, RUN AWAY! I PROMISE I'LL BRING THE PRETTY STUFF BACK SOON! 🙂 HALLOWEEN! What can I say? I LOVE it. I love hanging up my "serious pants" for a day (or two)  and slipping into something a little more..... FUN! Brings the child out in […]

Make Your Own Lace Mold

How often do you have a bride who has this gorgeous lace detail on her dress and wants to incorporate it on her cake? Or you see it and thing, ok.. that would be gorgeous on a cake! Well here is a way to make your own lace mold with Make it Yourself Mold Material […]

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I'm Avalon -- and I'm not your typical cake decorator. I'm obsessed with fusing the world of ART and CAKE. Sugar is my canvas. If you're down to get messy and dive into a whole new level of cake, take my virtual hand, cause I've got so many secrets I want to show you! learn more>>

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